Energy-rich drinking water: futomat's unique 4-stage system 1. Stage = filtration
Whether drinking water, bottled water or tap water – the same applies to them all: No drop of water is lost on earth. Freshwater must repeatedly be treated anew until it is available to us again as drinking water. It is understandable that we have become unsure when it comes to the degree of cleanness of potable water. For this reason, it is advisable to filter water.
2. Stage = magnetization
Carl Friedrich Gauß (1777-1855) successfully established a comprehensive theory of geomagnetism. Based on the so-called potential field, in 1839 he demonstrated that the main part of the geomagnetic field actually comes from the earth's interior. Due to various influences, water has lost natural magnetic energy. If water is magnetized, it regains a considerable amount of its naturalness and can thus be ingested and "used" better by the body. "Magnetic" water promotes an "orderly" electron transfer within and outside the cell.
3. Stage = Vortex Energy & 4. Stage = oxygen enrichment (futomat technology)
It is well-known that hurricanes and vortexes possess a very high level of energy. We find this to be the case with natural mountain streams as well. Such types of turbulence have an ordering and structuring impact on the molecular water clusters, which are responsible for passing on the information. By means of turbulence – such as in the case of a waterfall or a mountain stream – this happens in a natural way. Such water is prepared in ideal fashion for absorbing oxygen. In contrast, the water that is sent on its way to us consumers from reservoirs or deep wells has a considerable energy deficit. For this reason, it is important to energize our tap water. Through filtration, it acquires cleanness and through turbulence, oxygen enrichment and magnetization is gains naturalness and energy. Thanks to its process, futomat® is able to produce these energy-producing turbulence.
Oxygen Deficiency If our body has too little oxygen, it reacts, for example, with headache, feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. We yawn a lot and feel worn out. Therefore, oxygen multistep therapy according to Ardenne and hematogenous oxidation therapy according to Wehrli attend to the oxygen content in the body and attempt to increase the oxygen content accordingly and thus restore the body's full functionality. However, there does not need to be an oxygen deficit in the first place: If you move about enough outside and also drink oxygen-rich water, this constitutes a great help for your body.
Oxygen content Normal tap water has an oxygen content of approximately 4 to 10 mg per liter, while spring water has an oxygen content of max. 14 mg per liter. Water can be enriched with up to 60 mg oxygen and more per liter. Water enriched with oxygen contains the oxygen in the form of small, delicate bubbles that enter into the systemic circulation via the buccal mucosa and the tomentum when that water is sipped. The higher oxygen content of the blood after the dose of oxygen-enriched water is objectively measurable in the form of oxygen partial pressure.
If there is enough of both – water and oxygen – in the body, it has the opportunity to fulfill its tasks in optimum fashion and to remain healthy. |